To date a little more than 40 higher learning institutions have introduced lifestyle/corporate coaching programs in their curriculum. Among that number you will find ivy league universities such as Yale, Harvard, Duke and the University of Georgia. Coaching is a discipline that is very different from individuals, brands, or companies discover the obstacles or challenges that keep them from advancing. This process also includes building strategies to that help the client get closer to the goals they have set for themselves in removing those obstacles.
Allison Todd, founder and chief strategist of SiMar Enterprises and her team focus on corporate coaching and consulting for entrepreneurs. They help set and manage your goals and expectations, and brand consulting.
“A corporate coach motivates you to get off the bench and (back) into the business game. Todd explains, “I love my clients, but I do not accept excuses. We must get together — whether in-person or FaceTime — so we can connect and draft an action plan.”
“The action plan is just as important as the business plan,” she says. “Once we’ve cemented an action plan, we work side by side to get things done while continuing to press forward.”
With 15 years of consulting and coaching experience, she is literally the walking, breathing definition of a best-selling business guide. “I help all people — from singles, marrieds, millennials, moms and dads, to baby boomers and even seniors — transform into successful small business owners,” Allison boasts.
Life will throw you curves, especially for those of us who must balance the demands of work and family and community.
Todd understands this. That’s because she found herself in the middle of a true balancing act as an undergrad: she was pregnant and expecting twin girls.
“When I found out that I was pregnant, I went further, faster, and harder because I was a mom to be. I needed my professors, family members and potential clients to see that and know that I had what it took to thrive and become successful”.
“I realized I wanted other people to get it. That “it” is confidence and that’s where the coaching side came from. All around me, I saw people with amazing ideas for businesses and community-based organizations, however, they paralyzed themselves with fear. They never moved forward”.- Allison Todd
She shakes her head and laughs, “Single mommyhood prepared me for life and coaching.” Her twins nod in agreement and continue stuffing binders for Todd’s next class.
Four years after the twins’ birth, Todd walked across the stage to receive her bachelor’s degree and managed to pick up several clients.
Five years later, she earned her master’s in human resources research and organizational development. “I rarely share my story with my clients,” Todd says. “But when I do, they always tell me that they feel empowered because they realized that they have the same fire and resilience to get started.”
In college, “I realized I wanted other people to get it. That “it” is confidence and that’s where the coaching side came from. All around me, I saw people with amazing ideas for businesses and community-based organizations, however, they paralyzed themselves with fear. They never moved forward.”
“And then, I would watch others take those amazing ideas and build on them, take action and grow. It was frustrating and heartbreaking for me. Can you imagine how those people felt, the ones who just gave away their ideas and creativity?”
“I am here to motivate folks and help them build strategies for confidence by coaching them through the possibilities. I push my clients to the edge and yes, it’s scary. But just like a personal trainer, I’m not asking my clients to do anything I wouldn’t do. I am running every mile with them. If it’s baby steps we start with, that’s okay. We just need to keep going,” says Todd.
“My classes are based on the premise that if you take action daily, you will accomplish your goals. If you plan to take action, you are that much closer to [success]. There are 365 days in one year. If you accomplish just one thing each day, you’ve completed 365 action items and moved 365 places up on the game board,” Todd says.